cs-cart tips, tricks, fixes and modifications (FAQ)

At the Farmers Lot we run on a platform by cs-cart called cs-cart multivendor ultimate. These frequently asked questions relate to how to use certain features or make customisations. Note that we started at version 4.13.1 and upgraded regularly to the latest version, some features may be superceeded in later versions.

How to display restrict products displayed by distance of vendor for customer

First tried V4.13.1

Vendor locations add-on. When the add-on is enabled, each vendor can define their location (i.e. the store address). Customers will be able to search for vendors near them on the vendors page. Then, you can add a Distance to vendor filter and the customer will be able to search for the products located near them, using this filter. The customer's geolocation can be defined either automatically or manually in the filter options. It will work both for registered and guest customers of your website. The add-on is based on the Google Maps service, so you will need to obtain the Google Maps API key to make the add-on work. Please refer to the following article to learn more about the Vendor locations add-on and its features: https://docs.cs-cart.com/lates... and here is a video about the add-on:

Trouble Shooting the cs-cart "Vendor Location" add-on

The c-cart 'Distance From Vendor (Beta)"" add-on can be used to filter products and also powers some third party add-ons. If it is not working correctly here are a couple of trouble shooting tips. Please make sure that the following services are enabled for your API key: Geocoding API, Places API, Maps JavaScript API, Geolocation API, Maps Static API Also you can check the error in your browser and follow the instructions from Google to fix it. To do this, please open the webpage shown on your screenshot and try adding some location. Then please click F12 to open the browser developer tools and select the Console tab. In the Console tab you should see the error text and some useful link from Google.

Vendor location filter works for some products but not for others

If the distance filter only works for some products you might find that it is common products that are not being shown. As at version 4.13.1 of cs-cart Multi-Vendor filter by location does not take into account common products. However, the filter will work correctly with the products created by vendors. Common products was upgraded in v 4.18.1, it is unknown if this problem was updated then.

Why is shipping calculated from Boston US

The default cusomter address used for testing shipping methods in cs-cart and some other functions (such as the customer location if the customer does not allow the browser access to their current location) is set to Boston in the U.S. This address can be changed in the Settings / Checkout page / Default customer location

Unable to access admin panel

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to access the admin panel and some of them are pretty serious. However if you recently installed or moved servers and the login panel is not shown at all it may be a file permissions issue. Check your server permissios and ensure that the permissions for the admin script (admin.php by default if you have not yet changed the filename as recommended) is set to 644, if not update it and then check if the admin panel is loading properly.