Livestock sold on the Farmers Lot is intended for primary production. Whilst laws vary from state to state in most states keeping more than 50 chickens is a commericial quantity and will require planning permission and a Property Identificiation Code. The keeping of chickens, whether for commercial or domestic purposes, is governed by various laws and regulations. These regulations are designed to ensure animal welfare, public health, and environmental protection. Here's a brief overview of considerations, please check the requirements in you local State:
Compliance with these regulations is essential for the welfare of your chickens, the environment, and the community. It's also important for the sustainability and profitability of your poultry activities, whether it's a hobby or a commercial venture. Regular consultation with local authorities and staying abreast of any legislative changes are key to successful chicken keeping in South Australia.
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If you are inspired to get into farming, or even just starting a vegetable garden remeber you can buy and sell your produce here.
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