Farm Household Allowance

November 27, 2023
About Farm Household Allowance, financial assistance for farmers

What is Farm Household Allowance?

The Farm Household Allowance (FHA) is an Australian government program designed to provide financial assistance to farmers and their families who are experiencing financial hardship. It's aimed at helping eligible farmers meet their basic household needs and cover essential expenses. 

  • If you qualify for $1 of jobseeker you get the equivlent of the full job seeker amount.
  • It includes the ability to access targted funding (activity supplement upto $10,000 in total), this can be used for a variety of things including obtaining proffessional advice and training e.g. Artificial Insemination.
  • The assets test is more generous  ($5.5m st the time of writing) 
  • There is no job seeking requirement (unless it is an agreed activity)
  • There is a seperate phone line with signficantly less waiting time than the job seeker line.

What are the eligibility requirements for Farm Household Allowance?

To get the Farm Household Allowance you must contribute significant labour and capital to a farm.:

  • be a farmer (or partner of a farmer)
  • have a farm that has the prospect of being profitable
  • meet the income and assets test limits
  • meet mutual obligation requirements,

The allowance is meant to provide temporary relief for up to four cumulative years, with the aim of assisting you to be financialy independent during this time.

Read more about who can get it on The Services Australia website

What are the mutual obligation requirements for Farm Household Allowance?

Whilst there are Mutual Obligation Requirements, what you need to do to keep your payment also is a little different from Jobseeker.

You will be assigned a case officer, generally you will meet with them every two to three months which may be over the phone with an occassional video or face to face meeting. During this meeting you agree 2 or more activities you will work on before the next meeting. You have a role in setting them and they will vary based on farm needs, e.g. complete a budget/cash flow, attend training, search for grants etc.

Other obligations include updating services Australia

Where can I find out more information and apply for the Farm Household Allowance?

If you want detailed information or want to apply you can apply online with services Australia through your mygov account or visit the Services Australia website.

Is there other farm related assistance?

We are going to research and provide information on other types of assistance over the next few weeks. Follow us on facebook or come back and check out our blog, over the next few weeks we will be providing information on other farm specific assistance.


This is not financial advice and you will need to investigate your individual eligibility or suitability to your circumstances (or discuss with licensed financial advisor).It's important to note that eligibility criteria and program details may change, so it's advisable to check the latest information from relevant government sources. If you're a farmer facing financial challenges, it could be worthwhile to explore whether the Farm Household Allowance is a suitable option for support.

Profile picture of female australian farmer

Introduction:  Farm Household Allowance (FHA) is a crucial support system designed to assist farmers facing financial hardship. Unlike traditional welfare programs like JobSeeker, FHA is tailored specifically for farmers, recognizing the unique challenges they face. It provides essential financial aid to eligible farmers and their families. As of...


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