In Australia owners of certain livestock, horses and poultry are required to have a Property Identification Code (PIC) for their land. The PIC is a unique identifier that is assigned to a specific property and is used to identify the land and livestock that is or has been kept there.
A PIC may apply to a single parcel of land or multiple titles (when the land is adjoining). For certain livestock e.g. cattle, sheep, goats and pigs you will also require a National Livestock Information System (NLIS) account to record movement of stock on and off your proprty. These livestock will also require transportation documentation to accompany them during movement. The current (and recieving) owners PIC will be recorded in the database and on the movement documentation.
Depending on the type of livestock you will attach a tag with either your PIC and/or an individual number on it.
It is a requirement under the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program that producers use the NLIS. The LPA is a national animal welfare and food safety program for red meat and the livestock industry).
Below we explain a little more, but for those who want to cut to the chase here is a link for your state. Each state has different regulations on which animals require a PIC and it's important to check with the relevant state authority for the most up-to-date information.
State | Website for PIC application |
NSW | In NSQ a PIC is required for: cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, horses, donkeys, asses, mules and zebras), camelids (including camels, alpacas and llamas), deer, small poultry (chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, quails, pigeons, pheasants or partridges) and large poultry (emus or ostriches) NSW Biosecurity policies: |
VIC | PIC: In Victoria PIC is required for: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, alpaca, llamas, deer, horses, camels more than 50 poultry (domesticated fowl, chickens, ducks, geese, turkey, guinea fowl, pigeons, quail or pheasants) more than 10 emus or ostriches. If you grow the following prescribed crops within Victoria, you must have a plant PIC. 0.5 hectares or more of grapevines 20 or more chestnut trees |
QLD | In QLD a PIC is required for: 1 or more: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, bison, buffalo, deer or alpacas, llamas, or other animals from the Camelidae family or horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, zebras, or other animals from the Equidae family. 100 or more birds that: are raised for human consumption (e.g. poultry) or are raised for the production of eggs for human consumption (e.g. poultry) or have been released into free flight since they started being kept in captivity (e.g. pigeons) 1 or more beehives. |
WA | In WA a PIC is required for: Owners of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys and hybrids, deer, alpaca, llama, camels, vicuna, buffalo, emu, ostrich and poultry (including chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, quails, pigeons, pheasants and partridges) need to register, even if these animals are kept as pets. Beekeepers are also considered owners of livestock. |
SA | Horses, donkeys, mules cattle, buffalo, bison, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, alpacas, llamas, camels, commercial poultry birds (Chickens ducks geese guinea fowl mutton birds partridges pheasants pigeons quails turkeys). If you are a commercial poultry producer of eggs or meat who is required to have food safety accreditation, you must have a PIC. |
TAS | |
What is the purpose of the PIC
The PIC is an essential tool for the management of biosecurity and livestock in Australia. It allows for the tracking of animals from the property of origin to the point of sale, ensuring that only animals that have been raised and produced in accordance with LPA standards are sold as LPA-compliant. This helps to protect the welfare of animals, as well as the reputation of the Australian red meat and livestock industry.
The need for a PIC applies the keeping of livestock and to the movement of livestock between properties. Farmers must notify the relevant authority of any movement of livestock on or off their property, and must provide the PIC of the property the animals are coming from and going to. This helps to prevent the spread of diseases and pests, and ensures that animals are not moved from a property where they may have been exposed to disease or other health risks.
In each state of Australia, there are different regulations regarding which animals require a PIC.
For sellers on The Farmers Lot you can save time by ensuring that customers can't add livestock to the shopping cart without providing a PIC (see how on our Selling livestock on The Farmers Lot page).
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