Harvesting Wild Bees in Australia

September 1, 2024

Spring is here, how to start a behive

Wild bee harvesting in Australia is a delicate and responsible task that contributes significantly to the preservation of our environment and the promotion of biodiversity. This guide aims to provide essential information and best practices for safely and sustainably harvesting wild bees.

Understanding the Australian Bee Species

Australia is home to a variety of bee species, including the well-known European honeybee (Apis mellifera) and numerous native species. It's crucial to identify the species before attempting to harvest, as each has unique behaviors and requirements.

Best Time for Harvesting

Bees typically swarm during spring and early summer. This natural process is part of their reproductive cycle, where a single colony splits into two, with one part leaving the hive to form a new colony. Swarming usually occurs in warm, sunny weather, often between mid-morning and mid-afternoon, which is the peak time for bee activity. This ideal time for harvesting wild bees in Australia is during the spring and early summer months.

This is when bees are most active and the colonies are robust enough to be relocated without causing significant stress. Swarming bees are generally less aggressive, as they are more focused on finding a new home than defending their hive. Moreover, during swarming, bees are already on the move, making them easier to capture than trying to extract them from an established hive.

Equipment and Preparation

Proper equipment is essential for safe bee harvesting. This includes protective clothing, a bee smoker, hive tools, and a suitable transportation box. Additionally, preparing a new habitat for the bees is crucial for their survival post-harvest.

Beekeeping Supplies at The Farmers Lot

Delve into the world of beekeeping with The Farmers Lot! We proudly offer a dedicated category for beekeeping enthusiasts, featuring all the necessary equipment to start or expand your beekeeping journey.

Our Beekeeping Products Include:

  • Bee Hives - including traditional and flow hives
  • Protective Gear - suits, gloves, and veils
  • Beekeeping Tools - smokers, hive tools, and extractors
  • Bee Nutrition - supplements and feeders
  • Books and Guides - comprehensive resources for beginners and experts

Explore our range and find everything you need for successful beekeeping. Visit our Beekeeping Category today and start your sustainable beekeeping journey!

The harvesting process involves locating a wild hive, calming the bees with smoke, gently transferring the bees into a transportation box, and moving them to their new habitat. Utmost care must be taken to ensure the safety of the bees and the harvester.

Legal Considerations

In Australia, there are specific regulations and permissions required for harvesting wild bees. Always check with local wildlife authorities and obtain necessary permits before proceeding.


Harvesting wild bees in Australia, when done responsibly, can be a rewarding experience that benefits both the environment and the agricultural community. Always prioritize the well-being of the bees and adhere to sustainable practices.


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