Livestock Services Directory

At the Farmers Lot we support Australian farmers, this listing is completely free. 

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Find butchers, sheep shearers and other animal husbandary service providers below.

New South Wales

Andy DugganShearing, plant hire, yard staff0427 636 751NSW
BrettMeat Me At Yours Mobile Butcher0419 247 394Wagga Wagga
Sherman LivestockMobile butcher, shearing and more.0417 919 793Clarence Town
Shearers hall of fameWe are a education centre see demonstrations and more.02 6233 4000Hay South
Shearpower2eweShearing for pet sheep and hobby farms to large flocks0428 491963Sydney
South Coast Mobile butcher, sheep, cattle goats.0472 704 282Nowra

South Australia

Brian & KaySpecialised Alpaca Shearing, hoof and teeth trimming and more08 8524 9093Gawler
GregMobile Butcher0448 032 412Clare
Hills & Fleurieu mobile butcherMobile butcher, very busy, book in advance.0435 457 364OnkaParinga Hills
Johno's Sheep Shearing ServiceMobile sheep shearing, alpacas, vaccinations, we do it all0424 723 589Hahndorf
LeighMobile shearer Sheep, goats Alpacas.0456 727 657Adelaide
Millhouse ShearingSheep shearing0408 085 064Murray Bridge
ShearerSheep Shearing08 88922692Burra


Farm Direct Mobile ButcherMobile butcher servicing within 2 hours of brisbane0466 404 916Brisbane

Western Australia

DarrelShearer and sheep care0488 939 800Bunbury
WA Mobile ButcherMobile butcher0484 551 678Clackline


LachieSheep Shearing0427 237 835Hiedelberg
Shane The Shearer Shearing (small to large mobs), Lamb marking (tagging, castrate, vaccinate etc)0448 291 074 All Victoria