Creating content pages

What does this help topic cover

This help page explains how users (administrators and sellers/vendors) can create and edit content pages using the WYSIWYG editor. This function is available to registered users with appropriate permissions via the marketplace and vendor administration panels.

How to create a new page

To create a new page;

  • via the vendor panel: 
    • Login to the vendor panel
    • Select "Pages" from the left hand menu 
    • Select the plus sign in the top right of the screen. 
    • Then select "Add page" from the drop down menu. 
  • via the marketplace administration panel:
    • Use the link provided to you at registration
    • Navigate to Website/pages from the top menu
    • Select add new page

How to design and edit your content

Structure your content

A well structured, visually appealing page will not only be of benefit to your customers but may also help search engines better understand your page and increase the page ranking in returned results. Keep your content as brief as possible and avoid repetition. Short layered headings are a good way to present your content.  

Using the WYSIWYG editor

We provide a basic What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor. The content you want your users to see goes in this panel. The menu buttons on the editor allow you to format your text. It is very much like writing any e-mail or document.

The following picture explains the functions of each of the buttons.

The WYSIWYG editor window

IMORTANT: Don't forget to create/save your page before you leave.

Adding tables and images

A table is good way to structure some output.

To Add a Image
1. To Add a image click on the picture in the icon in the menu bar above.

A pop up menue will open, click on "Browse" Then follow the instructions on the menu to the right.

2. Once you click browse a screen similar to the below should appear.

- Click on blog and create a folder using your store name under that.
- Then click on that folder, then on the white space to the right.
- Upload your picture by clicking on the icon highlighted below.
- Double clicking on your picture will take you back to the insert picture pop-up, click insert and you are done!

Hiding and showing your page

Below the editor window is a "status" section. This controls if other people can see your page or not. 

Whilst you are working on a pabe, select "Disabled" (no one can see it then). Once you are ready select "Active"

Meta data (optional)

The text you enter in the meta data section below the WYSIWYG editor isn't displayed to the user, it is optional. Meta data tells browsers and search engines about your page, it can play a part in how high it will show up when people search the internet, however unique well formated content is more important.

  • Describe your page in the "Meta description" field
  • Keywords and terms, seperated by a "comma" go in the meta keyword section

Do not put irrelevant or missleading content in the meta data fields, we will remove this content without warning and may remove your content creation pages.

Marking headings and paragraphs using the code view

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

The code mode is for advanced users, but for an example here is what the above looks like in code.using html tags to mark headings and paragraphs

To create a paragraph in code mode, put a paragraph between <p> and <;/p>

Copy and paste a heading if you want to use it again (and then change the text>

The table icon is the button on the editor menue with two "columns" displayed side by side.

How to preview a page

As you create your page you can preview it by clicking on the "cog" (next to the save button) that should be at the top right of your screen and then selecting "preview" from that menu. The preview will open in a new window. The addresss showing in the menu bar (less "?action=preview") is the link address that you can give to customers to access your webpage (once you save it in "active" status).

Users will also be able to access your pages by the site map which is updated twice a day. The page will not show up in the site map until it is updated, but will still be able to be accessed by the link address described above.