Style Guide
This style guide outlines style requirements that apply to vendors, a breach of the style guide may result in your store being suspended (taken off line, no refund provided).
Repeated breaches of this style may result in termination of your account without refund or possibility of reinstatement.
Our Requirements
Vendor data
- Vendor descriptions in the vendors tab of the vendor panel is limited to 375 characters. If you wish to write more you should create a new page (feature available on selected plans) or you can request a "Custom Add".
All product names
All product names must be in lower case with the first word capitalised. A product name must consist of no more than 8 words. Proper names may also (optoinaly) be capitalised.
Further requirements may be specified for specific categories of products.
Livestock Descriptions
- Product names MUST be in the following format,
- CATTLE: [Breed sex other]
- example (1) Higland cross bull calf (red),
- example (2) Murry grey cross mixed herd
- description
- Breed: (Mandatory). Use "cross" after the main breed or "Cross breed" in place of the breed where the animal is not pure-bred.
- Sex: (Mandatory) Use => "bull" for intact males, => "steer" for castrated males, =>"heifer" for fertile females under 12 months, => "cow" for fertile females over 12 months of age, => "maiden" for apparent females born as a mixed boy/girl twins => mixed" or "mixed sex" for sale of multiple cattle of different sex.
- Other: (Optional) Use => "calf" (or calves) for cattle less than 12 month, "cattle" or "herd" for multiple animals
- SHEEP: [Breed sex other]
- example (1) Sufolk cross ram (red),
- example (2) Unknown cross-bred mixed sex sheep
- descriptions
- Breed: Mandatory. Use "cross" after the main breed or "cross-bred" in place of the breed where the animal is not pure-bred.
- Sex: Mandatory. Use => "ram" for intact males, => "whether" for castrated males, =>"sheep" or "dam" or "female" for female sheep, => "mixed sex" for mixed sex herds
- Other: (Optional) Use => "lamb" (or lambs) for sheep less than 12 month, "sheep" or "flock" for multiple animals